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 Six Sigma Association: Credentials for professionals, corporations, educators, consultants, and schools. Developing the profession of Breakthrough Continuous improvement Six Sigma Process and Quality improvement for the Service, Manufacturing, Media, Advertising and other industries Url: http://www.sixsigmaassociation.com Email: willem@sixsigmaassociation.com Added: June 14, 2005 01:19:24
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 Six Sigma Association: Credentials for professionals, corporations, educators, consultants, and schools. Developing the profession of Breakthrough Continuous improvement Six Sigma Process and Quality improvement for the Service, Manufacturing, Media, Advertising and other industries Url: http://www.6sigmacertificate.com Email: willem@sixsigmaassociation.com Added: June 14, 2005 23:42:47
 Six Sigma Association: Credentials for professionals, corporations, educators, consultants, and schools. Developing the profession of Breakthrough Continuous improvement Six Sigma Process and Quality improvement for the Service, Manufacturing, Media, Advertising and other industries Url: http://www.6sigmacertification.com Email: willem@sixsigmaassociation.com Added: June 14, 2005 23:43:26
 Six Sigma Association: Credentials for professionals, corporations, educators, consultants, and schools. Developing the profession of Breakthrough Continuous improvement Six Sigma Process and Quality improvement for the Service, Manufacturing, Media, Advertising and other industries Url: http://www.6sigmaprep.com Email: willem@sixsigmaassociation.com Added: June 14, 2005 23:43:43
 Six Sigma Association: Credentials for professionals, corporations, educators, consultants, and schools. Developing the profession of Breakthrough Continuous improvement Six Sigma Process and Quality improvement for the Service, Manufacturing, Media, Advertising and other industries Url: http://www.6sigmaprep.com Email: willem@sixsigmaassociation.com Added: June 14, 2005 23:44:25
 Six Sigma Association: Credentials for professionals, corporations, educators, consultants, and schools. Developing the profession of Breakthrough Continuous improvement Six Sigma Process and Quality improvement for the Service, Manufacturing, Media, Advertising and other industries Url: http://www.6sigmacertificationsite.com Email: willem@sixsigmaassociation.com Added: June 14, 2005 23:44:48
 Six Sigma Association: Credentials for professionals, corporations, educators, consultants, and schools. Developing the profession of Breakthrough Continuous improvement Six Sigma Process and Quality improvement for the Service, Manufacturing, Media, Advertising and other industries Url: http://www.societyofsixsigma.com Email: willem@sixsigmaassociation.com Added: June 14, 2005 23:45:17
 American Society of Project Management: Credentials for professionals, corporations, educators, consultants, and schools. Developing the profession of Breakthrough Continuous improvement Project Management, Six Sigma Process and Quality improvement for the Service, Manufacturing, Media, Advertising and other industries Url: http://www.americanassociationofprojectmanagement.com Email: willem@crestech.org Added: June 14, 2005 23:46:56
 American Society of Project Management: Credentials for professionals, corporations, educators, consultants, and schools. Developing the profession of Breakthrough Continuous improvement Project Management, Six Sigma Process and Quality improvement for the Service, Manufacturing, Media, Advertising and other industries Url: http://www.americansocietyofprojectmanagement.com Email: willem@crestech.org Added: June 14, 2005 23:47:37