Abrasive Products by American Buff International American Buff Int'l - ISO 9000 certified manufacturer of coated, non-woven and specialty abrasives. Visit AmericanBuff.com the Abrasives Super Store. Free shipping on orders over $150.00. Url: http://www.americanbuff.com/cgi_bin/index.pl Email: aholloway@americanbuff.com Added: October 1, 2002 05:34:23
 Tsompos Group Greek business portal & e-sales promotion directory Url: http://www.tsompos.biz Email: tsompos@otenet.gr Added: October 9, 2002 14:06:01
 Greek Forums.com Greek recipes, photos, maps, events, jobs, classifieds and Greek business directory. Url: http://www.greekforums.com Email: info@thegreekforums.com Added: October 14, 2002 20:15:41
 3D Products 3D Products: lenticular imaging, 3D viewers, 3D Glasses Url: http://www.3dp.be Email: daniel@3dp.de Added: October 23, 2002 00:39:04
 The PakistaniMaritime ThePakistaniMaritime is a non-profit venture, initiated to provide maritime community with advantages of online communication and mutual interaction. All services are free of charge and open to everyone. Services include: Sitering, eGroup, Free Maritime Classifieds, Maritime Discussion Board, Maritime Links and more. Url: http://pakistanimaritime.netfirms.com/ Email: pakmaritime@icqmail.com Added: October 25, 2002 13:48:00
 Free Maritime Classifieds @ ShipSmokeRoom. Maritime community is welcome to submit Free Classified Advertisements of any maritime, shipping or offshore concern including oil and gas. Url: http://pakistanimaritime.netfirms.com/Classifieds/toc.htm Email: pakmaritime@icqmail.com Added: October 25, 2002 13:49:28
 Mariner Seeks Shore based Employment. .A Marine Chief officer with tanker experience and holding Certificate of Compentency Class 1 (Deck); issued from United Kingdoms seeks employment ashore preferably in onshore maritime environment. Url: http://qaisar.netfirms.com/ Email: pakmaritime@icqmail.com Added: October 25, 2002 13:52:57
 The Open Database of Pakistani Mariners The Open Database of Pakistani Mariners is initiated by"PakistaniMaritime" in an attempt to provide an up to date contact list of Pakistani merchant navy employees including their particulars to all concerned, i.e., recruiting agents, shipping companies and who ever deems it necessary. Url: http://pakistanimaritime.netfirms.com/mariners/index.htm Email: pakmaritime@icqmail.com Added: October 25, 2002 13:54:42
 Anywhere Phone Rental Anywhere Phone Rental is a short term cell phone & satellite phone rental provider, servicing USA, Europe and more than 220 countries worldwide. Url: http://www.anywhere-phone-rental.com Email: robertob@exo.com.ar Added: October 28, 2002 16:32:39
 CityItaly.com CityItaly.com is the marketplace for the promotion of Italian food industry and home furnishing accessories in the USA. Italy, Italian, Italian products Url: http://www.cityitaly.com Email: cup@cupitalia.com Added: October 31, 2002 17:32:32
 German Machine Tool Production Statistics Charts of the German CNC Machine Tool Production 1998 ... 2001 Url: http://www.cnc-machinetool.com Email: info@cnc-machinetools.de Added: November 2, 2002 11:26:47
 NMS Internet Marketing Consultants UK Marketing agency specialising in internet marketing and ebusiness strategy with usability testing, international marketing and multimedia design services. Url: http://www.nms-internet-marketing.co.uk Email: marketing@nmsglobal.com Added: November 4, 2002 14:21:56
 BookkeeperList.com EVERYTHING accounting bookkeeping and tax, tons of FREE resources Url: http://www.bookkeeperlist.com Email: cmorash@bookkeeperlist.com Added: November 10, 2002 08:21:24
 edilmarmi srl we process marbles for: flooring, paving, modulmarble tiles Url: http:// www.edilmarmisrl.com Email: edilmarmi@versilia.net Added: November 13, 2002 13:06:40
 EUROPAGES O Ευρωπαϊκός οδηγός επιχειρήσεων Περιέχει 500.000 εγγεγραμμένες επιχειρήσεις από 35 χώρες Url: http://www.europages.com Email: infodata@otenet.gr Added: November 13, 2002 17:04:30
 Monte Meru S.r.l. Studio grafico specializzato in web design, web hosting, internet marketing, indicizzaazione Url: http://www.montemeru.it Email: montemeru@tiscali.it Added: November 15, 2002 17:45:51
 EASY AND PROFITABLE- 6 MINUTES TO RICHES -PURCHASE 3 MARKETING PACKAGES Url: http://www.6-Minutes.com/index.php?ref=raffelino63 Email: ralf.hauguth@telia.com Added: November 18, 2002 01:42:26
 EUROPAGES The European Business Directory Europages listing over 500,000 european companies from 35 countries Url: http://www.europages.com/gr Email: infodata@otenet.gr Added: November 18, 2002 15:24:44
 Distributore software per arti grafiche gestione flussi di lavoro grafici workflow e prevedibilitΰ di stampa Url: http://www.anteprime.biz Email: info@anteprime.biz Added: November 26, 2002 23:29:42
 Discount-Tools.com Cutting Tools Url: http://www.discount-tools.com Email: sales@discount-tools.com Added: November 27, 2002 23:30:43