A World of Quality This site explains how to develop your management system so it improves your business while conforming to ISO 9001 Url: http://wwwaworldofquality.com Email: jbroomfield@aworldofquality.com Added: July 4, 2002 09:49:08
 HGR Industrial Surplus Buy and sell used industrial equpment: Used machinery, test, inspection, material handling, etc. Url: http://www.hgrindustrialsurplus.com Email: beucker@hgrindustrialsurplus.com Added: July 5, 2002 22:23:40
 CHOOSEGREECE.COM Greek portal B-to-B Url: http://www.choosegreece.com Email: infodata@otenet.gr Added: July 7, 2002 10:07:28
 EUROPAGES The European Business Directory Directory for over 500,000 Eurpean companies from 35 countries with full contact data Url: http://www.europages.com Email: infodata@otenet.gr Added: July 7, 2002 10:09:09
 A World of Quality See how to develop your business management system so it can be used to improve your business while conforming to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Url: http://www.aworldofquality.com Email: jbroomfield@aworldofquality.com Added: July 15, 2002 00:50:09
 AtooMedia> identité sonore - design musical - communication sonore - signature musicale - marketing AtooMedia, agence de communication sonore spécialiste conseil, création, déploiement des stratégie et marketing sonores des marques et entreprises sur Internet,téléphone,TV,radio,CD-Rom,évenementiel Url: http://www.atoomedia.com Email: contact@atoomedia.com Added: July 29, 2002 18:01:17
 HGR Industrial Surplus Used Machinery Url: http://www.hgrindustrialsurplus.com Email: beucker@hgrindustrialsurplus.com Added: July 29, 2002 18:40:38
 Mico mats SA Importing company - rugs, carpets, logomats, floor coverings. Url: http://www.micomats.gr Email: info@micomats.gr Added: July 30, 2002 13:44:16
 Global Multilingual Translations Italian company specialized in software and website localization, technical and non-technical translation, interpreting and other linguistic services for multinational corporations, small businesses and individuals. Url: http://www.gmt-ils.it Email: marketing@gmt-ils.it Added: August 1, 2002 17:14:53
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 Rymac International Inc. Oilfield consulting/engineering Url: http://www.rymacinternational.com Email: fords1@telusplanet.net Added: August 22, 2002 19:43:51
 Bank Consulting Arredamento uffici e banche, allestimenti in"contract". Progettazione, realizzazione di arredamenti, impianti, infissi, mobili per l'ufficio e la banca, pareti attrezzate. Sede a Massa Carrara Url: http://www.bankconsulting.it Email: mail@studiograssi.it Added: September 7, 2002 10:11:11
 Studio Grassi Progettazione arredamento uffici e banche, allestimenti in"contract". Progettazione, realizzazione di arredamenti, impianti, infissi, mobili per l'ufficio e la banca, pareti attrezzate. Sede a Massa Carrara Url: http://www.studiograssi.it Email: mail@studiograssi.it Added: September 7, 2002 10:12:07
 A.S.D. sas Sistemi antifurto, automazione cancelli, videosorveglianza, antincendio Url: http://www.asdsas.it Email: info@asdsas.com Added: September 11, 2002 21:36:54
 guid@ff@ri Oltre 300.000 links ad aziende italiane suddivise per settore merceologico Url: http://www.guidaffari.net Email: m.pinzi@tiscali.it Added: September 19, 2002 18:30:06
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 Sign and Display Products, table cover fabrics, marquee signs, banner stands LetterBank creates lighted signs and transparency displays, portable banner stands and full color banners, table covers and skirting, changeable signs, letters of all kinds, including dimensional reverse channel, molded plastic, flat printed plastic for readerboards, laser-cut metals, die-cut plastic and magnetic letters, and many custom tradeshow and sign products. Url: http://letterbank.com/ Email: eusales@letterbank.com Added: September 20, 2002 18:25:16
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 Atlantic Domains - High End Domain Names for Sale High impact, high value domain names available for your business Url: http://www.atlanticdomains.com Email: domains4sale@atlanticdomains.com Added: September 24, 2002 05:43:19
 Chas Bullard, CPTx, MBA Tax Consulting Url: http://www.cbcptx.com Email: mbach@email.com Added: September 29, 2002 17:15:07